Everything Sauce

Posted on: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Everything Sauce

Goes on rice, pasta, bread, anything you would put a meaty sauce on.


  • Frying pan
  • And anything you need to prepare your ingredients.


  • About 1 and half Decaounces of a ground meat, I use beef or turkey
  • Small amount cooking oil enough so that when heated the bottom of your frying pan is covered
  • A sauce to combine with your ingredients like canned tomato sauce, or prepared alfredo sauce
  • Onions
  • Garlic, minced really small

Everything Else

Basically anything that you have in the fridge that you can throw in to a frying pan. Here's some things that I use, all chopped in to small bite size pieces:

  • Carrots
  • Potatoes
  • Celery
  • Kale
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Bell Peppers


  • Defrost meat so you can put it in the pan and cut it in half with a metal spoon.
  • Take out your frying pan and put a small amount of cooking oil in it.
  • Turn on the heat to about medium high and wait for the oil to be liquidy.
  • Add the meat and cut it up and stir with your spoon.
  • Once the meat is about half cooked (about half is pink) add the onions and garlic.
  • Once the onions can be cut with your spoon start adding the other ingredients in order of density and time to cook, this is the order I use for the listed ingredients.
    • Carrots and Potatoes
    • Celery and Brussel Sprouts
    • Bell Peppers
    • Kale
  • Wait until everything is tender and can easily cut with a spoon, and the Kale is wilted. Then add the sauce and stir it in.
  • Then let it cool a little and put it on top of whatever you want.