This Website

This Website

This website I'm working on


  • The AWS Infrastructure is created and managed by Terraform.
  • The Infrastructure involves CodePipeline, an Auto Scaling Group, an Elastic Load Balancer and a Cloudfront Distribution.
  • As well as all of the accompanying policies, settings and roles.
  • The code repository is hosted on GitHub.
  • I also have one site running on Netlify because the process to transfer that domain required a third account and I didn't want to deal with that.

Plans and Ideas

An Earlier version of this site was completely static and used an S3 bucket to serve it up. I wanted to have more flexibility so I moved to the ASG and ELB set up. It is more expensive but it should be more capable and fun to use.


I made a lot of this while learning about AWS and studying for their Certified Cloud Practitioner certification. So most of what I’ve built is in AWS and using infrastructure as code tool Terraform. This has been a fun and in interesting path learning and playing with cloud infrastructure to build things and find greats uses for cloud infrastructure. In this post I’ll try to explain this little project to build out a web app that I can play with and grow as much as I want. I know this probably isn’t the best set up and can be made more efficient and cheaper, and I will over time make it better as I learn new things and concepts.

Starting from the Front

Lets start from the front to keep things interesting, when my address is put in to the address bar on your browser it retrieves the records I’ve put in to Route 53

flowchart TD
  start[Starting to get this working]
  final[Getting it to work]
  start -->|Pushing boulder up hill| final